uthanasia: Yes or No?

Euthanasia by definition is murder out of mercy and therefore it is encountered in criminal deeds -murder. Murders are divided by the motive and the manner of execution. In this case the motive is mercy, compassion with the patient, who because of his sickness is brought in a condition that is under the necessary minimum for living. In order to perform this deed the executor has to sympathize, to suffer with the victim and to have previously established deep emotional relationship. That means that euthanasia can be performed by any citizen , not only by the doctor. This deed can be performed in two manners.

  • One is by doing, performing, giving the patient medicines, and undertaking certain action.
  • The other manner is rear and is by not doing, not taking action ,or by ceasing with certain prescribed therapeutic methods, for an example by not giving medicines.

When it comes to the patient's request for performing euthanasia on himself, we should have in mind that such a wish can be an impulsive reaction, underneath witch are elements of justification, excuse and forcement of sympathy by the ambience. The patient suffers and is in a derogatory situation, bind to the bed, absolutely dependant on other peoples' care and brought in a situation to think that the quality of his life isn't what he expected it to be. One in such condition can be oblivious, witch means that is not in a condition to objectively understand what he is asking for. However, hope, wish for live and for the inexperienced is present even within a person in such situation. Therefore it is my opinion that in no case we can with absolute certainty take that wish seriously. When speaking of euthanasia, we should infact speak of another issue witch doctors are often facing. Are we in a condition to give the patient adequate care? That is a big incitement in this moment. I'm terribly disturbed by the fact that often, hiding behind the material incapacity, we are not giving the patient what we thing that the medicine doctrine should give him. It is my opinion that not giving the adequate help can be seen as a type of passive euthanasia. In the present age, I would not consider development of decubitus wounds and hypostatic bronchopneumonia, as a general possibility and as a complication that is likely to occur. That is a prove that the patient is not given enough care. Isn't the doctor by not accepting a patient in a terribly difficult situation , under the excuse that he is not appropriate for his clinic, performing euthanasia by not doing? I don't have an intention to incite, but when spiking of euthanasia I feel obliged to say that. All this I have said is more painful and more present in our country. We should have to do a lot more in order to expand the criteria for professional behavior, to acquaint other principles and to protect the profession main ethical codes.

Dr. Aleksej Duma,
president of the Macedonian Doctors' Chamber


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  • Eo e o ee, ejae, aae a eo o eeae a oee a.
  • o a e oeo e o eee, ooo eeeae eae o oee ea eae eo,ao a e o eaae eo.
  • oa oaae o aaeo a ae a eaaja o ao ae ea a ee e ea oa oe a e oo a a eaja,a oja oja eee a oaae, ae ae a oaae o ooaa.aeo aa e o oaa aja. a a eeo, aoo ae o aa a e e oee o aja a ea ea aeo a eooo eee e e ao ao o oea a e. oe o aa ooja oe a e eee, o a ea e e o ooja ojeo a a o aa. ao a e, aj e o aa aja, aea, eaa a o a eeeaoo e e e a. aoa ea ea o ee aj eoee o aoa o a eae ea aa ea e eoa. oa oae a eaaja, aa o a e oee a eo o aae o oe ooe eo e ooaa. a e o ooja a ja e aaa ea a aeo? oa e oea ooaja o ooj oe. ee ao e oea ao ea eo ej e a aejaaa eo, a aeo e o aae oa o eae ea eaa oa ea a o ae. a ea eaeo a ea a aeo oeo a o oeee o ee a aa eaaja.

    o eeo ee e a ea aaeo a e a oaa ooeoja e eeaa oo oaja oja eo e ojaa. oa e oa ea a aeo e e ao ooo ea. a ooo eaj o oo ae, o ao ea ooa, o oaae ea e e a eoaa a e a eaaja o eee? eaa a ooa, o oa ooe a eaaja ea ea oe a o aa oa. Oa e o ooo o oo aj a. ea a aae o a a oee ee a oeoao oeae , a aeee a e oo e aea a oejaa.

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